Fish and Wildlife Enhancement Fund (FWEF)

The Fish and Wildlife Enhancement Fund (FWEF), which recognizes the important contributions of licensed anglers, hunters and trappers to supporting conservation of fish and wildlife, provides funding to organizations for fish and wildlife enhancement projects. Non-profit groups, local organizations and research organizations with interests in fish and wildlife may apply for grants from FWEF. Activities that enhance sustainable use and management of legally harvestable fish and wildlife populations within Manitoba will be considered, including:
• conserving and enhancing Manitoba’s fish and wildlife populations,
• scientific study of fish and wildlife populations,
• promoting sustainable and ethical hunting and angling practices through education,
• protecting or improving critical fish and wildlife production habitat, and
• securing property or an interest in property to provide public access to angling and hunting opportunities or to protect critical fish and wildlife production habitat.
The Fish and Wildlife Enhancement Committee, established by the Government of Manitoba, reviews funding requests. Recommendations for funding are made by the Committee to the Government of Manitoba, which has final authority over granting decisions.

fwef NEWS

Administration of FWEF Granting
In 2021, Manitoba Habitat Conservancy became a partner in the delivery of FWEF by taking on administrative responsibilities for the FWEF granting process. MHC oversees the grants management system, contribution agreements with successful grantees, payments to grantees and reporting from grantees. This partnership recognizes MHC’s experience administering granting programs as well as Manitoba’s responsibility for establishing FWEF priorities, overseeing the Fish and Wildlife Enhancement Committee, and providing technical guidance and selecting projects.
The Proposal Process for Spring 2025 Grants
The proposal process for 2025 funding has now started. It is a two-stage process and begins with letters of interest (LOIs).
The purpose of the LOI is to determine if an applicant’s proposal meets basic eligibility requirements for FWEF before proceeding to a full application. Applicants are not expected to have all details in place, but they should be able to provide key elements of their proposal in the LOI.
To be considered in this round of proposals for Spring 2025 projects, LOIs must be submitted into the MHC grants management system by August 26, 2024.
Applicants will receive notice of whether their LOI has been accepted. Guidance on how proposals may be strengthened may be provided where warranted. An approved LOI is required before groups may proceed to a full application.
Important deadlines for the proposal process are provided above.
The Fish and Wildlife Enhancement Fund Resources can be viewed HERE, or by navigating to the 'Resources' page under the FWEF drop down menu.
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