Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Q: Can I submit more than one project application per year?

A: Yes, you may submit as many applications as you like, however no lead applicant organization, applying for Conservation Trust funding, will be awarded more than $500,000 per funding cycle. Organizations are not restricted from partnering multiple times in the same funding cycle as their own application.

Q: What does the Trust do?

A: The Trust funds on-the-ground conservation projects across Manitoba’s working landscapes that provide Ecological Goods and Services (EG&S) in six Conservation Trust Categories. See the Trust Guidelines for additional information.  Generally, the Trust aims to provide one-third of the total project establishment costs with matching funds that meet or exceed a 2:1 ratio.

Q: Is my organization eligible to apply for a grant?

A: Begin by reading The Trust Guidelines. Once you have read these, the Eligibility Quiz may assist you in determining your eligibility.

Q: I just heard about the Trust recently and missed the deadline. Does the Trust accept late applications? 

A: Sorry, late applications are not accepted. You need to submit your application by 11:59PM CST on the deadline date or you will have to submit a new application for the next deadline date next year.

Q: Why do you encourage partnerships? What are "active effective partnerships"?

A: Active effective partnerships are where two or more organizations submit an application to achieve a common goal where there is mutual benefit, shared decision-making and accountability to each partner. Ideally, all partners are involved in both the planning and establishment of the project.

Q: Why does the Trust fund projects only in Working Landscapes and Municipal Manitoba?  

A: Working Landscapes are areas where people and significant economic activities co-exist with natural lands and water. Working Landscapes in Municipal Manitoba are a priority because they may have a higher immediate risk of loss than areas without significant economic activity. Working Landscapes have generally experienced significant loss of natural areas already and the future risk of loss remains significant.

Additional Questions

Have a question? The Conservation Trust Team is happy to answer!
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