Glossary of Terms

Carbon Sequestration: a process that removes carbon from the atmosphere and stores it in the natural environment.

Conserved:  where existing natural infrastructure is protected/ unchanged through an agreement.
Ecological Goods and Services (EG&S): the positive conservation benefits that come from healthy ecosystems, including clean water and air, and enhanced biodiversity. EG&S include market goods produced from ecosystems (commodities, food and fiber), improved wildlife habitat, benefits from ecosystem processes, including water purification or carbon storage and other values such as improving recreational opportunities. Ecological Goods and Services are sometimes referred to as EG&S.
Enhanced:  an activity that improves existing natural infrastructure in terms of of ecological function. i.e., a landowner implementing a new grazing system on an existing grassland.

Fish Habitat "Above the Waterline": riverbank and lake shoreline enhancements that significantly contribute to fish habitat restoration. An example would be establishing bank vegetation to promote bank stability, decrease silt accumulation, reduce the degree to which rocks, boulders, gravel, etc. are embedded in silt and sand (embeddedness) and provide shade, and nutrients and insects for food.

Municipal Manitoba: any municipality that is continued or formed under The Municipal Act (C.C.S.M. c. M225)
Natural Infrastructure: an area or system that is either naturally occurring or naturalized and then intentionally managed to provide multiple benefits for the environment and human well-being. (

Objectives: objectives describe the specific, measurable ways to project will address the conservation issue identified. Objectives should be S.M.A.R.T.- specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound.

Outputs: result from activities that you carry out and are an indication of project effort. Outputs are measurable and can be activities that you do, people you are trying to reach, products or services you provide, e.g. in a wetland restoration the outputs are the number of acres of restored wetland, the water storage capacity (volume), wildlife benefits, etc.
Outcomes: are the estimated Ecological Goods & Service benefits you wish to achieve or changes or benefits that result from project activities. Outcomes measure how people and the environment are impacted by your project. E.g. in the above example of a wetland restoration the outcomes are the volume of water actually held back in a runoff event, the quantity of nutrients sequestered (phosphorus, etc.), and the amount of carbon sequestered.

Primary and Applied Research: research projects, including feasibility studies of new land and water conservation concepts, are not eligible for Trust funding, though these activities may be used for matching fund purposes if the research activity relates to the project proposal.

Restored: an activity that restores natural infrastructure that no longer exists to a semblance of its original condition. i.e., taking a drained wetland and plugging the drain.

Riparian Zones: the transition zones that are found along streams, rivers, lake shores and wetlands. These areas support unique wildlife and plant communities. Healthy riparian areas have many important functions in our watersheds (Manitoba Climate and Green Plan).

Stacking: multiple funders (typically unbeknownst to them) fund activities at a combined cost that exceeds accepted market rates and/or the established landowner cost-shares.


  1. A Trust funded project is approved for incentive payments at a specific rate and later funding from an additional funder is added to increase the incentive payment above the specific rate.

  2. A Trust funded project is approved with a landowner cost-share, and later funding from an additional funder is added
    to substitute landowner cost-share.

Working Landscapes: areas where people and significant economic activities co-exist with natural lands and water. Working Landscapes have a higher immediate risk of loss than areas without significant economic activity. Working Landscapes have generally experienced significant loss of natural areas already and the future risk of loss remains significant.