Habitat and Wildlife
Project Name: Land Stewardship through Grazing Management Improvements
Project Description: With Conservation Trust, funding the Association of Manitoba Community Pastures will implement new strategic range management investments focusing on drought resiliency on over 20,300 acres of Community Pasture rangelands across four Manitoba agricultural ecoregions. The project is supported by wildlife surveys, with an emphasis on species-at-risk, at selected sites.
Amount: $400,000
Project Name: Aspen parkland habitat improvement via range management infrastructure planning and implementation
Project Description: The objective of the project is to develop a cost share program to which BFC members can apply for funding to undertake projects that have both rangeland management as well as conservation goals. The program is designed such that the applicants will develop a plan they feel best suits their land resource and has the best potential to improve wildlife habitat. This will be achieved be creating an outcome based framework to meet habitat improvement and EG&S goals.
Amount: $62,250
Project Name: Wetland conservation and enhancement in Manitoba to improve duck reproductive success - Spring 2023
Project Description: Manitoba's wetlands provide critical habitat for breeding waterfowl and other wetland-dependent species. Continuing the partnership between the Conservation Trust and Delta Waterfowl, this project would permanently conserve up to 400 acres of wetland habitat in Manitoba, enhance another 2,100 acres using Hen Houses, and produce over 9,400 mallard ducklings.
Amount: $89,705
Project Name: Habitat Restoration and Enhancement in Manitoba's Working Landscapes - Part 2
Project Description: Habitat Restoration and Enhancement in Manitoba's Working Landscapes – Part 2 will allow Ducks Unlimited Canada to provide incentive-based, long term partnerships to landowners in order to restore 48 acres of wetlands and 700 acres of grassland. An additional 589 acres of grassland will be enhanced for wildlife cover and 1,520 acres of wetland and grassland habitat will be secured perpetually. These activities will improve the quantity and quality of habitat available for Manitoba’s wildlife.
Amount: $400,000
Project Name: Grassland Enhancement Program 2022
Project Description: The Grassland Enhancement Program 2022 will support 50 conservation minded cattle producers in Manitoba. This program will improve operations through the adoption of various beneficial management practices enhancing 9,000 acres and further protecting 5,150 acres of upland-grassland habitats. This approach improves multi-species at risk biodiversity, landscape level climate adaptation and mitigation strategies, through the Manitoba cattle industry - a critical step toward conserving grasslands.
Amount: $400,000
Project Name: A new approach to restoring profitability, wildlife habitat and soil health - PHASE 3 (2022)
Project Description: The project provides financial incentives, extension, and agronomic support to assist producers in overcoming the challenges and mitigating financial risks of converting cultivated acres to forage. The program is tailored to both beef and grain producers such that 4,000 acres of forage will be restored and 1,000 acres of associated wetlands will be protected by long-term agreements. EG&S benefits of both wetlands and grasslands will provide benefits to MB producers, wildlife, and society.
Amount: $239,800
Project Name: Reaching Landowners about Avian Species at Risk
Project Description: This project will conduct outreach with landowners on working landscapes, and the public to create awareness about conservation of bird species at risk, in particular the Red-headed Woodpecker and the Eastern Whip-poor-will. Through outreach in areas across the range of these species we will raise awareness across 1,584km2. We will directly engage 135 people directly through outreach and monitoring efforts, and reach a further 400 people indirectly through media, social media, advertising, etc.
Amount: $8,080.63
Project Name: A turning point in Manitoba’s prescribed fire community: enhancing capacity and inter-agency cooperation
Project Description: This project builds on NCC’s current experience and prescribed fire partnerships to conduct prescribed fire on 600 acres across 8 NCC owned or managed land with multiple partners, while simultaneously creating sustainable processes and resources for project partners to increase their own capacity and implement prescribed fire across Manitoba.
Amount: $100,000
Project Name: Enhancing soil health for the future using regenerative agriculture practices
Project Description: 335 acres of perennial vegetation cover will be established on 3 cultivated fields on NCC-owned lands for future agriculture use in the Riding Mountain, Tall Grass Prairie and West Souris Mixed-grass Prairie Natural Areas. These activities will improve soil health and water quality, sequester carbon, and reduce the impact of extreme weather and flooding on NCC’s lands in Manitoba.
Amount: $100,000
Project Name: Enhanced biodiversity-focused grazing systems
Project Description: This proposed project will improve soil health, expand livestock grazing, increase biodiversity, and reduce the impact of extreme weather on NCC’s lands in Manitoba. Through the establishment and maintenance of grazing systems, NCC will achieve these outcomes on approximately 2,000 grazed acres.
Amount: $100,000