"Keep Grazing" Project
The intent of the program, over a three-year period, is to deliver information and incentives to cattle producers to enhance pasturelands with the goal to improve grass quality and maintain a healthy habitat for Species at Risk.
Cattle producers in Manitoba are part of the solution to protecting this valuable component of the ecosystem. Through production practices, cattle producers are making a significant difference to Species at Risk.
The project area includes the:
- Poverty Plains
- Lyleton Grasslands
- Blind Souris River Valley
- Belleview and Maple Lake Region
Some examples of the incentives and/or services for which funds could be used are:
- Fencing that supports improved grazing,
- Watering systems designed to improve cattle distribution,
- Management of woody, invasive plants encroaching on grasslands (shrubbing),
- Established additional pastures that help to relieve grazing pressure on native rangelands,
- Native pasture establishment
Cost-shared incentives will be funded up to $13,000 per quarter-section, to a max of $50,000 per landowner. For more information contact Carol Graham, MHC Habitat Conservation Specialist at 204-821-4943 (cgraham@mbhabitat.ca) or visit the Manitoba Beef Producer website.