Manitoba Habitat Conservancy Receives Historic Funding 

Tanner BanasBanner, Front Page, News

MP Terry Duguid and MHC CEO Stephen Carlyle pose together at an event at the Forks

Big news for conservation in our province this week as Manitoba Habitat Conservancy (MHC) has just received $6.1 million from the federal government’s Nature Smart Climate Solutions Fund (NSCSF). This is the largest single financial boost we have ever received, and it will allow us to embark on our largest project to date, the conservation of around 1,200 hectares of … Read More

MHC Invests Nearly $12 Million in Vital Conservation Initiatives Across the Province

Diana PerezBanner, Front Page, News

The Manitoba Habitat Conservancy (MHC) Board of Directors has approved an impressive $11.96 million in funding through the Conservation, GROW, and Wetlands GROW Trusts. This significant investment is set to achieve a diverse array of on-the-ground water and land conservation efforts throughout Manitoba. “Today, on World Water Day, I’m proud to announce the Board’s substantial commitment to preserving our province’s … Read More

Manitoba Habitat Heritage Corporation Unveils New Brand Identity

Nancy BeechBanner, Front Page, News

MHHC changes name after 37 years and embraces growth with brand evolution Today, Manitoba Habitat Heritage Corporation announced their new name and branding. The evolution from Manitoba Habitat Heritage Corporation to Manitoba Habitat Conservancy builds on past successes and recognition of the need to adapt and grow. Along with their name change comes an update in their brand identity, introducing … Read More

$10.36 million for New Conservation Projects from the Conservation and GROW Trusts

Diana PerezBanner, Front Page, News

The Manitoba Habitat Conservancy (MHC) Board of Directors recently approved more than $10 million in conservation funding for Manitoba-based conservation organizations. Manitoba’s Watershed Districts have been approved to receive up to $7.57 million, with an additional $2.79 million in new grants to support 19 projects delivered by 15 of Manitoba’s leading conservation organizations. These projects are supported by endowments made … Read More

MHC and partners to launch a beer to help conserve Manitoba wetlands

Diana PerezBanner, Front Page, News

In celebration of World Wetlands Day, the Manitoba Habitat Conservancy (MHC) and Delta Waterfowl Foundation have partnered with Lake of the Woods Brewing Company (LOWBREWco) to launch a limited-edition beer, the proceeds of which will go to help conserve and restore wetlands in Manitoba. Wetlands are among the most productive natural ecosystems in the world, comparable to tropical rain forests … Read More


Diana PerezBanner, Front Page, News, The Conservation Trust

An April 15th Provincial news release identified the first 41 funded projects of the Conservation Trust – – – More Than 40 Projects Approved, Over $2.2 Million Committed: Premier Manitoba Habitat Conservancy has selected the first round of projects approved under the Manitoba government’s $102-million Conservation Trust, Premier Brian Pallister and Sustainable Development Minister Rochelle Squires announced today. “The Conservation … Read More

MHC Land Donation – Peter Galawan

Kasie McLaughlinBanner, Front Page, Land Donations, News

According to the New Oxford Dictionary, the word gem \jem\ is a noun that is defined as a person or thing considered to be outstandingly good or special in some respect. By this definition, the quarter-section of native prairie grassland formerly owned by mixed grain and cattle producer Peter Galawan of Lenore, Manitoba can undoubtedly be described as a gem. … Read More

We have moved to a New Office!

Diana PerezFront Page

We are excited to announce that Manitoba Habitat Conservancy has moved to a new location on 200-1765 Sargent Avenue, Winnipeg. Our old office served us well, and we made great memories there, but we could not be happier about our new space. The new office is a lot bigger which is perfect for our growing team and new programs, including … Read More

Manitoba Conservation Trust Now Accepting Project Proposals

Samantha GermanBanner, Front Page, News, The Conservation Trust

Partnership with Province, The Winnipeg Foundation and Manitoba Habitat Heritage Corporation Helps Protect and Preserve Nature: Squires The Manitoba government is looking for projects that conserve and enhance natural infrastructure and support the Made-in-Manitoba Climate and Green Plan, Sustainable Development Minister Rochelle Squires announced today. “When we launched the Conservation Trust, we envisioned a partnership that would support projects aimed … Read More

Living in Harmony

Samantha GermanBanner, Front Page, News

There are a number of species that are at risk in Manitoba simply because they are losing their habitat. While this is alarming, the positive news is that many individuals and organizations have banded together to help improve the situation. The Manitoba Habitat Heritage Corporation (MHHC) is one of those organizations. They are committed and actively engaged with the Manitoba … Read More