Wetlands Feature: Honkerville Group Protects Vital Waterfowl Habitat

Tanner BanasUncategorized, Wetlands

Imagine sitting on the deck of a cozy hunting lodge, watching the sun dip below the horizon as 250,000 wild geese descend onto the water in front of you. It’s a breathtaking experience, and one that becomes reality at the Scuttlebuck Lodge on Whitewater Lake, just north of Deloraine, Manitoba. “It’s just a very special feeling and a very special … Read More

Canada invests $25 million to protect wetlands and grasslands in the Prairies

Diana PerezBanner, News, Uplands, Wetlands

“Today, the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, the Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau, on behalf of the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, the Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, announced more than $25 million in funding to conserve, restore, and enhance critical wetlands and grasslands in the Prairie provinces” “Manitoba Habitat Conservancy will receive up to $2.4 million over three years for projects to … Read More

Landowners Benefit from Wetland Restoration

helloBanner, News, Wetland Restoration, Wetlands

The concept behind wetland restoration is to redevelop water basins that have been previously drained. ‘Water basins’ are also known as wetlands, sloughs, potholes, swamps, ponds, bogs or marshes. “Quite often, the wetland was drained with the intent to crop the area. However, drained wetlands don’t always provide ideal land for growing productive crops, and eventually the area becomes a … Read More

New High-Resolution Wetland Data Available

helloMHHC History, News, Wetland Inventory, Wetlands

The Manitoba Habitat Heritage Corporation (MHHC) is pleased to announce that it has publicly released the first of four high-resolution wetland datasets covering the Assiniboine River Valley and surrounding region, extending from the Manitoba-Saskatchewan border to the City of Brandon. MHHC has been participating in a Province-wide wetland inventory project, part of a larger national Canadian Wetland Inventory mapping initiative. … Read More

Largest donated Conservation Agreement in Manitoba history

helloLand Donations, MHHC History, News, Wetlands

A Lake Manitoba wetland about five times the size of Birds Hill Park called Big Grass Marsh has been protected by the municipalities of Lakeview and Westbourne for conservation, making this the largest such land donation in the province’s history, Conservation and Water Stewardship Minister Gord Mackintosh announced today.  This is the largest conservation agreement of its kind in Canada. … Read More

Wetland Restoration: Restoring Landscape Resilience

helloBanner, Wetland Restoration, Wetlands

The Manitoba Habitat Heritage Corporation (MHHC) is working with landowners to address on-farm and community-level water concerns through wetland restoration. Restoring wetlands under paid 10-year term contracts or perpetual agreements is a simple and effective way to reduce nutrient loading to Manitoba’s lakes and rivers and support wildlife and waterfowl, while improving your land’s natural resilience to extreme wet and … Read More

Hen Houses Provide a Haven for Nesting Mallards

helloBanner, Nest Structures, News, Potholes Plus Program, Wetlands

Thousands of new mallard ducklings will be hitting the water in wetlands across southwestern Manitoba this spring.  That would appear to be unremarkable, however, these ducklings would likely not exist but for the combined efforts of the Delta Waterfowl Foundation and the Manitoba Habitat Heritage Corporation. These two organizations have erected more than 2400 nesting structures on wetlands throughout southwestern … Read More

Grosse Isle Restoration Project and Slideshow

helloConservation Districts, MHHC History, Species At Risk, Wetland Restoration, Wetlands

[slideshow_deploy id=’1383′] The Manitoba Habitat Heritage Corporation (MHHC) has partnered with a team of conservation organizations and local landowners to restore what has almost been completely lost—native prairie. Currently less than 1% of the original Tall-grass Prairie stands remain in Manitoba, but, through the Prairie Habitat Revival Project, MHHC is undertaking the restoration of 223 acres (90 hectares) of habitat … Read More

Delta Marsh Carp Removal Announcement

helloMHHC History, Wetland Restoration, Wetlands

The Minister of Conservation and Water Stewardship announced today, as a lead-up to World Wetlands Day, $3.5 million in funding for the restoration of one of Manitoba’s great marshes—Delta Marsh. To mark World Wetlands Day on February 2nd, MHHC’s Chief Executive Officer attended an announcement of funding that will be used to restore the Delta Marsh. While the project is … Read More