Tender Notice: Trans Canada Highway Shelterbelt Project

Diana PerezBanner, News

MHC is inviting bids from qualified contractors for the phased supply, installation and maintenance of trees, shrubs and mulch to create roadside eco-buffers. These buffers are intended to mitigate the frequent blowing snow conditions that create hazardous driving conditions along approximately 14 kilometers on the Trans Canada Highway between St. François Xavier and Elie, and a second 2.4 kilometre segment … Read More

The Conservation Trust Opens Its Second Call for Proposals

Diana PerezNews, The Conservation Trust

The second call for proposals is now open for Manitoba’s Conservation Trust, a unique funding opportunity that was established under the province’s Made-in-Manitoba Climate and Green Plan to use nature-based approaches to build resilience to climate change. “The $102-million Conservation Trust is an innovative, forward-thinking approach to invest in projects that enhance natural infrastructure and the environmental goods and services … Read More

Property Dedication in Honor of Peter Galawan

Kasie McLaughlinBanner, Land Donations, News

In 2017, Peter Galawan of Oak Lake, Mb donated a 160-acre parcel of land to The Manitoba Habitat Conservancy (MHC), an organization with a primary mandate to conserve, restore and enhance fish and wildlife habitat. Last month, MHC was pleased to host a dedication event in the presence of Peter Galawan, along with his family and friends to honor and … Read More

Environmental Benefits from Land Donation

Diana PerezBanner, Land Donations, News

The Manitoba Habitat Conservancy (MHC) is pleased to honor the late Neil McEachran of Treherne, MB for his generous donation to the corporation. In 2016, the late Neil McEachran graciously gifted a quarter section of land to the MHC, an organization with a primary mandate to conserve, restore and enhance fish and wildlife habitat. “We are grateful for the landowners … Read More

$154 Million in Conservation

Diana PerezBanner, News

The Manitoba Habitat Conservancy (MHC) is pleased to once again be working with The Winnipeg Foundation and the Province of Manitoba to support on-the-ground conservation work, by Manitobans, for Manitobans. Announced on June 11, 2019, Growing Outcomes in Watersheds (GROW) Program has been established with an initial investment of $52 million with The Winnipeg Foundation, with project payments funded from … Read More

Are you a rancher or farmer? We need your insights!

Diana PerezNews

Over that past three years MHC has partnered with conservation and agricultural organizations in Manitoba to deliver innovative species-at-risk conservation work with landowners in Manitoba. Focussing largely on beef producers, and the native range they manage, MHC provided more than $600,000 to fund beneficial management practices that 1) support species-at-risk and wildlife conservation and 2) help to ensure long-term sustainability … Read More


Diana PerezBanner, Front Page, News, The Conservation Trust

An April 15th Provincial news release identified the first 41 funded projects of the Conservation Trust – – – More Than 40 Projects Approved, Over $2.2 Million Committed: Premier Manitoba Habitat Conservancy has selected the first round of projects approved under the Manitoba government’s $102-million Conservation Trust, Premier Brian Pallister and Sustainable Development Minister Rochelle Squires announced today. “The Conservation … Read More

MHC Land Donation – Peter Galawan

Kasie McLaughlinBanner, Front Page, Land Donations, News

According to the New Oxford Dictionary, the word gem \jem\ is a noun that is defined as a person or thing considered to be outstandingly good or special in some respect. By this definition, the quarter-section of native prairie grassland formerly owned by mixed grain and cattle producer Peter Galawan of Lenore, Manitoba can undoubtedly be described as a gem. … Read More

We have moved to a New Office!

Diana PerezFront Page

We are excited to announce that Manitoba Habitat Conservancy has moved to a new location on 200-1765 Sargent Avenue, Winnipeg. Our old office served us well, and we made great memories there, but we could not be happier about our new space. The new office is a lot bigger which is perfect for our growing team and new programs, including … Read More

Manitoba Conservation Trust Now Accepting Project Proposals

Samantha GermanBanner, Front Page, News, The Conservation Trust

Partnership with Province, The Winnipeg Foundation and Manitoba Habitat Heritage Corporation Helps Protect and Preserve Nature: Squires The Manitoba government is looking for projects that conserve and enhance natural infrastructure and support the Made-in-Manitoba Climate and Green Plan, Sustainable Development Minister Rochelle Squires announced today. “When we launched the Conservation Trust, we envisioned a partnership that would support projects aimed … Read More